Teaching is considered a noble profession, and it's even much so at Omaha Chinese School. At NCA Chinese School, you not only will be teaching an important language that is part of heritage but also helps to keep the Chinese heritage going for our young generation. Contact us and if you are interested in becoming our Chinese teacher. We would love to talk to you.
Become a Sponsor
Our sponsors helps make many of our events and festival celebrations over the years possible. Because of their commitment and sponsorship, NCA is able to achieve many things for our community. We hope you would consider to be part of this amazing team! Find out more!
Become a Volunteer
Volunteers are the hearts and souls of NCA. NCA is made possible because of our volunteers' dedications. Join us and be part of this amazing community.
When you donate to NCA, you are helping to build a community. A community where our Chinese cultures and traditions will be promoted and shared. This also gives young people the chance to learn Chinese language, cultures and traditions that have been around for thousand of years.

Contact Us:
If you'd like to learn more about NCA, or you wish to know more about Chinese cultures and traditions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Fill in the Contact Us form on the left and send. Our representative will be in touched.