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Nebraska Has A Lot To Offer China

Nebraska Gov Pete Ricketts visited Japan and China during his recent Asian Trade Mission. According to the Governor's website, China is Nebraska's fourth largest trading partner and one of its fatest-growing export markets, which as more than doubled in size during the past 5 years.

During his visit in Beijin, China, he met with many top officials. Among his guests were Mr John Zhang (sitting next the Governor) who is our OCCA China Coordinator and former Chairman of the Board of Directors, and OCCA supporters Mr Zheng Jialin and his wife Dr. Zhou.

Below is Gov Pete Ricketts' video update from Beijin, China.

For all of us, Chinese, here at Nebraska it is definitely good to know that Nebraska has a such strong mutual beneficial working relationship with China, one the major economic players. To read more about Gov Pete Ricketts' Asian Trade Mission, please click here to visit the Governor's website or copy and and paste this link

Sources: and Wesbite of Office of Governor Pete Ricketts



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